Backbone.js in action

The last time JavaScript libraries, separating application code (as the MVC server's frameworks), are gaining on popularity. Below I will present a simple example implemented in backbone.js, which will show the possibility of the library and you will understand why it is worth to use it. Let's start by creating a directory empapp and put in it the index.html: <!--DOCTYPE html--> <html> <body> <script type="text/javascript" src=""/> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"> <script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"/> </body> </html> This page contains an element body, in which are included three libraries: jquery, underescore, backbone and main.js, which contains a code of sample application written in backbone. So let's create a directory empapp, file main.js and fill out its contents: (function($) { // Override function syncro data with the server, because we do not have a server Backbone.sync = function(method, model, success, error) { success(); } // Definition of the Employee model var Employee = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults : { firstName : '', lastName : '', email : '' } }); // Definition of the Employee List var EmployeeList = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model : Employee }); // Defintion of the Single Employee View // It can be consist of li tag var EmployeeView = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName : 'li', // Service of event for Delete buttons exists in every Employee // Click in button cause calling function deleteEmployee events : { 'click button.delete' : 'deleteEmployee' }, // View constructor initialize : function() { var self = this; // If in model will be removed element we have to remove li for this Employee this.model.bind('remove', function() { $(self.el).remove(); }); }, // Function responsible for drawing view this.el // in this case li with content render : function() { $(this.el).html(// // Display view of the fields from Employee model '<span>' + // ' ' + this.model.get('firstName') + ' ' + // ' ' + this.model.get('lastName') + ' ' + // ' ' + this.model.get('email') + ' ' + // '</span>' + ' &nbsp;&nbsp; ' + // // Every displayed Employee will be attached button Delete (to remove this Employee) '<button type="button" class="delete">Delete</button>'); return this; }, // Function cause removing instance of Employee // in this case will be called event remove // and view for this Employee will be remove too deleteEmployee : function() { this.model.destroy(); } }); // View definition for the Employee List var EmployeeListView = Backbone.View.extend({ // Do not be create new element html // but attach this.el directly to body element el : $('body'), // Event service for button add under form // Click on this button cause calling function addEmployee events : { 'click button#add' : 'addEmployee' }, // View constructor initialize : function() { // Creating instance of the list this.employeeList = new EmployeeList(); // If instance of model Employee is added to the list // adding event trigger function which create for this instance // EmplyeeView, which is attached to ul element existing in this.el (that is body) this.employeeList.bind('add', function(employee) { var employeeView = new EmployeeView({ model : employee }); $('ul', this.el).append(employeeView.render().el); }); // Manual call drawing this.el view (body) this.render(); }, // Function responsible for drawing this.el view // in this case that is body with content render : function() { $(this.el).append(// '<div style="width: 250px; text-align: right; border: 1px gray solid;">' + // ' <div style="width: 100%; text-align: left; background-color: lightgray;">New Employee</div>' + // // Form with Employee fields and Add button ' <form>' + // ' First name: <input type="text" id="firstName" value="John" />&#60;br/&#62; ' + // ' Last name: <input type="text" id="lastName" value="Smith" />&#60;br/&#62; ' + // ' Email: <input type="text" id="email" value="" />&#60;br/&#62; ' + // ' <button type="button" id="add" style="width: 70px;">Add</button>' + // ' </form>' + // '</div>'); // Adding under form ul, in which are attached li view // for single instance Employee model $(this.el).append('<ul></ul>'); }, // Function casue adding new instance Employee to the list // in this case it will be call event add for this list // and will be added new EmployeeView to the EmployeeListView addEmployee : function() { // New instance Employee model and setting values of fields // read from form after press Add button var employee = new Employee(); employee.set({ firstName : $('input#firstName').val(), lastName : $('input#lastName').val(), email : $('input#email').val() }); // Adding instance Employee model to the list (it casue add event on the list) this.employeeList.add(employee); } }); // Create application through the instance main EmployeeListView var employeeListView = new EmployeeListView(); })(jQuery); The effect may not be impressive :)

New Employee
First name:
Last name:
  • John Smith   
  • Jim Bean   

However, we obtained the objective because the model is separated from the view, and everything is in JavaScript, and yet what we wanted :)

Source on GitHub


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